Thursday, December 10, 2009

Hero Journey Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

OR: Arther Dent is on earth living in the UK.
Call: His earth home is to be demolished little does he know earth is also to be destroyed.
Refusal : Arther puts himself in front of a bulldozer as he is in denial. Ford helps him drink hes problems away.
Meeting Mentor: Ford Leeds him with the help of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Threshold: Hitchhiking into space on a vogon ship.
Test: Space, getting the Point of View gun, and ridding themselves of vogons.
Allies:Ford, Zaphod, Trillian, Marvin, Zaphod and Towels.
Enemies: Vogons.

Approach:Get jettisoned into space, mice try to cut out his brains, Trillian gets kid napped.
Ordeal: Find the answer to life the galaxy and everything.
Reward: He learns to accept the face earth is better off without him.
Road Back: Earth is remade paid for by mice. The question is then asked will he stay on earth.
Resurrection: Mice try to cut out his brains while his friends and him are drugged up, but they manage to exscape.
Elixir: Leaves earth with a love for space and adventure.
Hero: Arther.
Mentor: Ford, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Threshold Guardian: Hitchhiker's Ring, portal gates on Magrathea.
Herald: Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, Ford.
Shape Shifter: Zaphod tries to hide that he destroyed the earth.
Shadow: Vogons, Mice, and maybe Zaphod.
Trickster: Zaphod with his two personalities.

1 comment:

  1. The Journey seems really good. It might be good to include a little more information though.
